Alternatives to Plastic When It Comes to Produce and Groceries

One of the biggest concerns in our planet today is how we can reduce our plastic waste yet still maintain the comfort and convenience we have all grown accustomed to.  With plastic pollution posing a real threat to our environment, it’s about time that we explore alternatives to plastic. With grocery shopping as one of the big contributors to our plastic pollution problem, it is crucial that we find substitutes for the plastic used in groceries from flimsy produce bags to disposable single-use packaging.

Fortunately, there are numerous alternatives to plastic for produce and groceries which the more conscientious and environmentally-aware consumers can make use of.

Alternatives to Plastic for Produce and Groceries

Reusable bags

You can use reusable bags made of cotton, canvas or even recycled plastic bottles. You can buy them or you can make them on your own if you’re good with your hands.

Place these reusable bags inside your car so you can have easy access to them anytime you think of dropping by the grocery store.

Jute bags 

Also a good substitute for plastic packaging, jute is biodegradable, highly renewable and earth-friendly.  Because of its durability, it can be reused many times.  In fact, it is one of the oldest traditional packaging materials.  Made from the bark of the jute plant, it is 100% biodegradable and will naturally decompose over time.  It can even be used as compost for the garden. 

When it comes to renewability,  jute is highly-renewable.  It can be grown all-year round without the help of fertilizers or pesticides and you can harvest it every year. What’s more is that it does not even require a big area of land and does not require a lot of care.

Hemp bags

Hemp is also a great alternative for plastic in grocery stores because not only is it durable, it is also the strongest of all natural fibers.  Hemp comes from the Cannabis sativa plant.  Don’t worry, hemp bags will not have any effect on your mind, unlike its cousin.

Hemp-based items are getting more and more popular every day. Why? They’re easy to grow without any fertilizers. They grow fast too without the need for too much water. What’s more is that the fibers are even antibacterial!

Hemp is 100% biodegradable, non-toxic and non-polluting.

Mesh produce bags

Mesh bags are made of yarns, strands and non-woven synthetic materials. They can be hand washed and used again and again.  They are lightweight and flexible. Best of all, they are breathable so they are even a great option to store your fruits and vegetables in.  Because they do not trap the ethylene gas released by ethylene-releasing fruits and vegetables, your fruits and vegetables will last longer.

Beeswax Wraps

Who needs cling wraps if you can switch to beeswax wraps?  Made of cotton infused with beeswax, resin, and jojoba oil, these wraps are pliable and can make it easy for you to say goodbye to cling wraps.  Just like cling wraps, they can be molded around food items to preserve freshness. But unlike cling wraps, they are reusable and can be washed with mild soap and water, making them the more sustainable and (earth) friendlier option.

Glass and steel containers

Purchasing grains, nuts or beans? Take a glass or steel container with you.  They are not only reusable and durable but they also help to keep your food free from any plastic contamination, which is not good for your health.

Biodegradable packaging

Grocery items packaged in biodegradable packaging, plant based packaging or compostable materials such as cardboard, paper, are a greener, friendlier option to products in conventional plastic packaging.  Choose them over those that come in plastic packaging.  Supporting brands that show care for the environment will send a strong and powerful message to the whole industry that people are clamoring for change. 

Cassava bags

Cassava is a root crop that people make into traditional cakes or boiled. But today, it’s not just enjoyed as a snack, it is also made into a bag!

Cassava bags are made of 75% cassava starch and 25% vegetable oils. This means that cassava bags are fully compostable. In fact, they naturally biodegrade within 3 to six months!

They have 0% plastic and therefore, do not leave any plastic residue.



In Conclusion

Plastic use is wreaking havoc on the environment and without a change in mindset, attitude and behavior,  we are putting our future and that of our children and our children’s children in jeopardy.

The only other option is to choose and practice sustainability.  It’s the only way we and the next generation can look forward to a brighter tomorrow. 

As the world struggles to step to a more sustainable future, it’s important that people recognize their own individual roles in combating plastic pollution, whether they are a consumer, a manufacturer or a grocery store owner.  By using these plastic alternatives, plastic-free grocery shopping can be the new norm and everyone can eventually look forward to a healthier, greener planet where humans can live and thrive.